LinkedIn Is Now Focusing On Video, What Does That Mean For You?

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LinkedIn is letting B2B marketers post ‘visually compelling stories’ to their audience on the business-focussed social network.

Top Rated in Roswell from Trenton Carson Productions, LLC on Vimeo.

So what does it mean?

It means everything if you’re building influence, authority and plan to educate within the Business community through this platform. It means nothing if you plan to just hard sell and place ads. 

It’s best to think of video on LinkedIn as an add-on to your current marketing strategy. Use it to build your personal/business brand, or go behind-the-scenes at your company, or interview co-workers and executives.


“With members spending on average almost three times more time watching video ads than engaging with static Sponsored Content, video is helping marketers grab the attention of decision makers with more visually compelling stories than ever before.” -Tom Pepper, Head of LinkedIn Marketing Solutions UK

You can already embed YouTube/Vimeo videos in your LinkedIn feed posts, of course. But posting native video may get you more engagement. On Facebook, native videos typically get 10x more shares than embedded videos. If that trend holds for LinkedIn, you could be missing out on a substantial chunk of potential audience by linking to a YouTube/Vimeo video. This is something we personally do as a company. Depending on the type of engagement we’re looking for, we’ll bounce between uploading natively on different platforms or sharing video links.

Video on LinkedIn

“Video on LinkedIn allows us to reach professional audiences in an unparalleled business context. There is no denying the power of video in today’s marketing mix. We are really excited to see that it’s no different when applied to a professional audience.”
-Chris Hayek, Head of Global Media at Shell

As native video is more widely adopted by its user base, LinkedIn is likely to give it preferential treatment. It has already switched from a pure timeline feed to an algorithm-based feed. Just as Facebook currently gives priority to native videos, LinkedIn is likely to prioritize video in their feeds, too.

As we view the content on LinkedIn differently as we do on Facebook, the same will go on how we view videos. The quality of content on here is for the professional, the quality and content of your videos should match. You don’t have to have Hollywood type quality for your videos but you do have to have clear and engaging videos. What is done on this platform often times is how your connections perceives your business. 

Video Trending

Fifty-nine percent of executives say that if text and video are available on the same topic, they’re more likely to choose video.

Fortunately, many marketers and businesses took notes from the earlier video trends that has been growing fast since 2010 and will be ready to jump into video on LinkedIn fairly quickly. Otherwise they will come into the game 5-8 years late like they have done on the other social platforms. 

There’s no denying that businesses should embrace video content as a general rule. If your audience wants video, it’s wise for your brand to be the one supplying it. 

For more information about video in LinkedIn or the platform in general, we always refer to our own LinkedIn expert, Gregg Burkhalter

Your audience craves video. Your business needs video. We’re here to make that decision easier for you. Give us a call,

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TC Productions Video Production Company, Video Production Services, Roswell, GA