How to Attract, Engage, and Delight With Video

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Attract. Engage. Delight With Video

“Video’s ability to increase engagement, conversions, and revenue is now well documented, so businesses can no longer underestimate its significance.”

Brands need a video marketing strategy — this idea isn’t new. What has changed is how important video has become on every platform and channel.

Video is no longer just one piece of your overall marketing plan. It’s central to your outreach and campaign efforts.


Regardless of industry, attracting qualified leads is vital to your business’s growth. This stage is all about showing who you are, highlighting your expertise, and providing value. Capture attention and invoke curiosity. Show who you are with brand videos and micro videos. Provide value with thought leadership videos and industry-specific FAQ videos.

Two types of video content function best in the attract stage: content about your company and informative content about your area of expertise.


Once you’ve generated awareness about your brand and attracted qualified leads, you have entered the engage stage. The engage stage is 2 fold; it contains both consideration and conversion. This is where you form relationships, build trust, and ultimately show a prospect that your product/service is their solution. This is also where small businesses fail to shine at. They are too focused on the short game of attracting and closing that this section is usually where the interests from the client drops off.

Engage with leads & show why your product/service is their solution. Convince & convert prospects, turning them into customers with product/service videos, and industry-specific tips and trends videos.


Delighting customers isn’t just necessary for customer retention, it also creates evangelists of your brand. For one, it is cheaper to keep a customer than to acquire a new one. The higher customer delight, the lower customer churn rate. Since consumers love video, it’s one of the best mediums for delighting. Create happy customers and brand advocates with how-to videos, event recap videos, and customer testimonial videos.

How are you attracting, engaging and delighting your audience?

Your audience craves video. Your business needs video. We’re here to make that decision easier for you.Find out how, 678-744-3908

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TC Productions Video Production Company, Video Production Services, Roswell, GA