Why Video Testimonials are important for growth in your business

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A Video Testimonial for a small business holds more weight than you think

​Think about your favorite place to shop; now think about their marketing strategies. How many customer video testimonials/reviews do you see? How do those make you feel as a potential customer?

Your audience loves Video Testimonials from Trenton Carson Productions, LLC on Vimeo.

​Big brands utilize videos in a very effective way,

and they a​re good at it!
Yes it is partially due to the fact that t​hey have the money, the expertise and the staff to do so​; however there is often a very impersonal feeling about the testimonial you’re viewing​. They cannot​ always ​duplicate the effectiveness of the video testimonial that only a small business owner can​. As a small business owner you can connect on a more personal level with your audience.​

The beauty of a video testimonial coming from a member of the community is the fact that the community knows them, have done business with them, and trusts them. This not only builds credibility, but makes the video message even more believable. The videos we produce reflect the community that we serve. Whether it be from networking, business associations, chambers, or community involvement, you hold a better connection with our service because you recognize the people that are in it. This is what we preach to our clients about testimonials.

Customer testimonial videos bring life and authenticity to your business in a way that quotes and text-based case studies just can’t compete with.

Your target audience can hear the facts,

but also see the authenticity and emotion in the speaker’s face. This emotional connection helps build trust, which is vital to a great business-to-customer relationship. ​
Hearing a satisfied customer talking about their personal experience with your product or service not only leaves a good impression on new visitors, but also builds trust by backing up the claims you make about your business.

“When you capture the personalities of people you work with on video, you’ve moved beyond the “talking about yourself” stage to demonstrating your capabilities.”

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TC Productions Video Production Company, Video Production Services, Roswell, GA