How to win with real estate video marketing

How to win with real estate video marketing If you are looking to build an attraction based marketing strategy for your real estate business, you need to have a brand. Using video is the best real estate branding strategy you can implement. I work for a broker and they are my brand… The agent is the...

How to Use Video to Drive Sales

People use videos to learn about your products As a business-focused person, you are probably surprised but not very affected by the importance of videos and engagement. Sure, people may like videos, but how does that impact your business? You want people to think about your products and buy them, not just laugh and upvote...

Your business is either growing or dying. There isn’t any in-between.

Your business is either growing or dying There isn’t any in-between. That goes for marketing your business as well. Too many small businesses like to live in that “in-between” area where they think they’re “maintaining” instead of growing. Utilizing video consistently is definitely in the direction of growing your business. How can your small business...

How a Video Retainer will boost your marketing strategy results

A Video Retainer will boost your marketing strategy results Marketing Requires Consistency You see it all the time on a company’s Youtube channel, especially a local small business channel. Their latest video (or only video) was uploaded 6-9 months ago and before then it was well over a year ago. Video and marketing isn’t a one-play gig, it...

Why Small Business owners love video, until they have to do it

Early on we focused solely on creating engaging video content for our small business and soloprenuers. That worked great for our company but not as much as we wanted for our small business clients. We then grew to medium sized companies and bigger firms. We were producing the same engaging videos but the bigger companies...

TC Productions Video Production Company, Video Production Services, Roswell, GA