Top 3 Must Have Videos to Build Your Brand

We understand that video isn’t for everybody, but the majority of your audience watches some form of video daily.

Biggest Mistakes to Avoid in Video Marketing Part 2

At first glance, video marketing can seem very easy and straightforward. You simply craft a message, play a catchy tune, and bam, instant video success! The truth is it can be a very difficult task to keep your audience engaged and focused.

Biggest Mistakes to Avoid in Video Marketing Part 1

If you’re venturing into the jungle that is video marketing in search of new audiences, be warned there are a few unforeseen challenges to overcome.

How to Create a Compelling Testimonial Video

Testimonial videos can help you a lot when it comes to building trust and informing your target audience about how good your product is. Testimonial videos are the “push” your potential clients need to take that next step.

3 Must Do’s to Brand Your Business Video

It’s no secret that videos are consumers’ favorite type of content to see from a brand on social media and other online platforms.

TC Productions Video Production Company, Video Production Services, Roswell, GA