We Made It 4 Years!

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If you’d asked us a few years ago if we thought we’d be here celebrating 4 years as a licensed video producer in Georgia, we would’ve said, OF COURSE WE WILL!  We believe in what we’re doing, and we know where we’re going.

But today we pause to celebrate where we are, and where we’ve come from. 2015 was a huge stepping stone for the us at TC Productions, LLC. We went out on a limb and put a big emphasis on corporate videos. Around halfway throughout the year things began to pick up as we gained reputation in the East Cobb/North Fulton area. This year we are looking to expand to the Buckhead area. Observing what has worked and hasn’t work, we felt we needed to put all of our marketing efforts into four specific niches.

We can’t be everything to everyone, and we need to be more of a specialist than a generalist.  While we can still do many of the old services we have done in the past, when presented to us, but we will not pursue nor market those services.

Here is our focus for the year 2016:

  • Real Estate
  • Bed & Breakfast
  • Small/Medium Business
  • Small Businesses with 5+ Employees
  • Medium Businesses with a Marketing Department or Marketing Coordinator
  • Subcontracting(Marketing/Advertising/Social Media/ Web Marketing/SEO Firms)
  • Music Videos
  • Entertainment (Yes we will be getting back to our bread and butter from the early years.)

These four building and learning years wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t from the advice, networking, and mentoring from all of you.

Thank You!

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TC Productions Video Production Company, Video Production Services, Roswell, GA