How to avoid 3 mistakes you’re consistently making in your Videos

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TC Productions, LLC Video Reel (2017) from Trenton Carson Productions, LLC on Vimeo.

     1. Don’t go overboard with Selling

“Telling before selling” should be the mantra you stick to when creating your video content. Keep in mind that most videos aren’t meant to sell anything directly. Decision makers won’t necessarily make big business decisions on the basis of one video, however, when conveyed correctly, videos can significantly contribute their decision favoring your business.

This is why you should strive to educate rather than sell.

2. Fitting too much into one video

We run into this problem a lot working with small businesses. They are focused on price and we as a video company are focused on content. Most small businesses feel if they put everything into one video, they can offset the pricing for multiple videos. Since video is such a great way to communicate with your audience, it’s very easy to want to squeeze in as many messages as possible. However, putting too many people and messages in your video can, in fact, do just the opposite and make it harder to soak in everything.

3. Using the wrong camera

Video is being consumed by everyone on a daily basis now, allowing for a bit more forgiveness for poor quality video. Look at all the hilarious baby and cat viral videos shot on an iPhone.

Don’t let that fool you into thinking your business video can get away with the same unprofessional approach. Even if you have a strategy in place with enthusiastic characters and a great distribution plan, using your phone or a low grade camera and no microphone washes all that down the drain. Subconsciously, it tells your audience the level of quality they’ll receive from you.

If you don’t have the right tools to create a great video internally, take a step back and dedicate the dollars to producing a higher production piece of content that represents your business well.

Your audience craves video. Your business needs video. We’re here to make that decision easier for you. Give us a call, 678-744-3908

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TC Productions Video Production Company, Video Production Services, Roswell, GA